A cooperative half-day preschool since 1967.
Led by highly-qualified teachers, our curriculum involves the entire family. Parents participate in the classroom and are truly a part of their child’s education. We foster social and academic development through a range of fun and educational activities, including:
Crofton Nursery School (CNS) was established in 1967, incorporated in 1968 by a group of parents who wanted the best preschool experience for their children. This feeling has been embraced by each participating family since. At CNS, families and teachers work together in a warm and friendly atmosphere to teach our children cooperation, creativity, and caring for others. Each child benefits through positive reinforcement, rewarding learning activities and the friendly interaction with peers. In the spirit of a cooperative, we, the participating families, give of ourselves and of our time, so that our school will be what we want it to be for our children.
In a cooperative school, parents take on many roles, including that of a teacher. Enrolling your child in a cooperative school increases your appreciation and understanding of your child and makes their first school experience positive.
In addition to providing classroom support, member families are vital to the administration and operation of the school. Families participate by being on a committee such as; Curriculum, Fundraising, Health & Safety, Hospitality, Housekeeping, Marketing, Participation, and as Board members. Committee assignments are determined by what is the best fit for the family and school. Each family contributes in their own way to build our community.
Parents participate as assistant teachers in the classroom by:
The educational program is the responsibility of our experienced teachers. Chosen by the school’s Board, the teachers work to provide the best possible educational experience for each student.
The teacher suggests how working parents can be effective on their participation day in the classroom, and helps the parents understand their own student’s learning style during their shared school experience.
A collaborative teacher and parent program builds an enriching first school experience.
Every independent school reflects a philosophy of education, and the school program is the direct outgrowth of the philosophy. For this reason, it is most important that parents select a school in which the philosophy is acceptable to them. When school and parents are in accord on issues, a child’s growth and development will be at its best.
Crofton Nursery School (CNS) is dedicated to the comprehensive, effective, and compassionate education of children through human involvement and interaction. The purpose of the school is two-fold: to develop self-reliance in the child to provide a satisfactory transition between home and school; and to encourage cooperative learning through parent participation at school and meetings for parent education.
We consider this school a place for young children to play, grow, and learn to live with others. It is a place where children can express themselves at their own level of behavior yet be helped toward more mature and cooperative ways of behaving. It is a place where children can – through experience with wide variety of materials and peers – solve the problems of growing up and relating to others. This school offers an environment where a child can touch, see, play, compare, discard, and accept that which evokes his or her natural curiosity and ability for coping and learning.
Crofton Nursery School is a cooperative. For this reason, the parents form the backbone of the school. The school is parent-owned and parent-directed. Most important, it is the parents that supply the supportive environment for their children’s first experience with formal schooling. The parent shares these most-valuable learning experiences with their child. Parents are given every opportunity to utilize their individual talents to the benefit of all children. As the child grows and learns, so does the parent through direct involvement and parent education sessions. Direct involvement on a daily basis in the child’s growth should be one of the main reasons for a parent selecting a cooperative school like CNS. Our goal is to make the child’s first learning experience a happy one and seek to develop in him or her a desire for learning that will remain with him or her throughout their life.
Your primary responsibility as a member of a cooperative preschool is to serve as a teacher’s aide in your child’s class. We have a Bylaws, a handbook and a guide for classroom volunteers that each member can review that outlines specific responsibilities and duties.
In addition to daily housekeeping duties, member families regularily clean the school thoroughly. Each member family is expected to participate in two deep cleans a year. The deep cleans are scheduled when school isn’t in session.
The purpose of fundraising is to assist the school in providing funds necessary for the purchase, or replacement of major items of equipment, such as tables and chairs, playground equipment, upgrading tools, as well as hosting events for students and their families. Additionally, fundraising is a part of maintaining our non-profit status.
Fundraising is not for the purpose of keeping tuition low. Tuition covers the operating expenses of our school. Each member family must assist in fundraising activities as designated by the Board and Fundraising Chair. Each family is required to participate in fundraising throughout the school year, or chose to pay an “Opt-Out” fee at the beginning of the year.
The Hospitality Committee arranges various gatherings throughout the year. Member families may be asked to contribute food and drink at school parties, or picnics planned for the school; while most families decide to donate their resources, all purchases made for a school activity can be reimbursed.
Each member is required to serve the school either on a committee or as a board member of the school. These committees are: Curriculum, Field Trip, Fundraising, Health & Safety, Hospitality, Housekeeping, Equipment, Communications/Marketing, Participation.
Each family is obligated to provide or arrange transportation for their child to and from field trips, if attending.
A typical day’s schedule includes a teacher greeting, circle time, free play, art, story/music, outdoor play (weather permitting) or indoor large muscle play (dance, movement games).
In addition, our classes take several field trips during the school year to local attractions.
Crofton Nursery School welcomes all interested families. Admissions preference is given to current members and then alumni families. Remaining openings are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Prospective members are encouraged to attend our Open House events or schedule a tour.
Current and Associate Members |
New and Prospective Members |
CNS has provided a very positive first school experience for my child. His teacher is nurturing and kind and the educational program provides a good mix of learning and play. There is a strong sense of community as each parent is actively involved in the school. My son is excited to tell my husband and I all about his day at school and even plays school at home now.Megan Anderson
When I started looking for a pre-school for my son I wanted a place where he would learn through play. I wanted him to be challenged but to have fun. I wanted an opportunity to be involved in his classroom. Most of all, I wanted him to have a teacher he would LOVE and as a result love his first school experience and set him on the right track for all future learning. At CNS we got all that and so much more. My family gained a community of other like-minded families who have become friends. My son has formed true friendships, not just school acquaintances. There are a lot of great nursery schools in the Crofton area but none foster the sense of community, of family, that CNS does. Kristen Caminiti
Sending my first babe to preschool was enough of an emotional experience by itself but being new to the area and having absolutely no clue where to start or how much it was going to cost was even more stressful. Crofton Nursery School is not only an affordable option, it’s been a wonderful experience for my daughter and for me as a mom.
I love staying home with my kiddos to soak up all the moments while they’re little, so being able to participate at the school and in the classroom is my favorite part. I’ve met so many great families who have become friends and have gotten to know each child in her class. Both teachers at CNS are so dedicated to what they do, you can tell how much they enjoy their job and care about the children. I recommend CNS to every parent I meet in the area, it’s truly a phenomenal option for early education.Lauren Thompson
Choosing a preschool can be daunting. I had never heard of a co-op before Crofton Nursery. I loved the idea of being involved in the classroom. After a few months I realized it was much more than that. Working closely with the teachers, other parents and kids, you form a new family. The sense of community was overwhelming, especially being a military family brand new to the school. Mrs. Cartee, the 3’s teacher, is an amazing first experience for any child. My son adored her and this year my daughter will get to experience her classroom. Mrs. Scott-Kem, the 4’s teacher, is the best to have before your kids are going to full day kindergarten. My son is so ready and it’s all thanks to these 2 wonderful women.
I love the play based curriculum. I love how everything we do during the day is preparing them to be bright and independent when necessary. You never realize how big of a milestone some things are till your kids don’t need your help any longer. Washing hands, using the bathroom, putting on jackets, helping set a table, putting things away…it brings a tear to my eye thinking about the babies you send to school in September and the big kids you bring home in May.
Can’t say enough! Thank you Crofton Nursery for all you have done for our family.Ronni Gehron
Our family loves Crofton Nursery School. The play-learning approach paired with the small class sizes has helped our shy daughter gain confidence and love learning. We also love the community that works together to make this cooperative nursery school such an outstanding success.Kathryn Reilly
My first CNS baby will be 23 this month and I’m still friends with some of my former class moms!
Dawn Gearhart Kushto
CNS is a truly special place. The teachers have many years of experience and are so kind and patient with the children. The co-op aspect of the school builds a caring community in which to nurture and educate children.Kate Parks
My little boy joined Crofton Nursery School in September 2012, I was a little anxious about how he would settle never being away from me, and I was not wrong, he cried every morning for about 2 weeks, his teacher was so understanding and patient and put me and my son at ease.
I can not recommend CNS highly enough, my son is now so excited to go to school and I cannot wait to pick him up to find out what he has learned. We are looking forward to the next year at CNS.Joanne Curl
When we moved to the area in mid-August, I figured all the good schools would be full and it would be impossible to find a decent, let alone great, one for my 4- year-old! I met a mom, who RAVED about CNS, in my neighborhood, and I had to take a look! I found a warm, well-organized place, that I knew my son would love! Since joining the CNS family, I have never once felt like I had to settle for a place just because there was an opening! I feel like it’s the right blend of challenging and fun for his preparation for kindergarten, and what’s more incredible, is that all of his first friends after a major move and big change in our life are from CNS! We’ve been very lucky in so many ways this past year, but finding CNS is by far one of the biggest ways! I know he’s getting prepared for kindergarten in an environment where I get to be involved, which is awesome! I could go on for days about CNS, but if you asked my son he just thinks he’s playing while he’s learning and he loves every second of it!Liz Dingman
Crofton Nursery School isn’t just about your child’s school experience, it’s about your experience as well. I had given up on finding a preschool that we could afford for our oldest daughter back in 2011. I found out about CNS from another mom at my daughter’s dance class. I LOVED the idea of occasionally being in the classroom with her. I was so fortunate to be able to connect with several other moms in our class–we all had something in common, a preschooler!
When both our girls entered kindergarten, their teacher was impressed with the advanced skills, socially and academically, they demonstrated. I really appreciate that the focus of the school is learning through play.
Now, years later, those moms are still my closest friends!Tara Johnson
This was my first day as a working parent and I was so impressed with how well these kids are working together and cooperating with each other. These girls used every single block in the bin to build a city with a fire station, police station, and “doctor place.” They were handing each other blocks that another one needed and I was honestly floored lol. I thought my job was going to be much harder! I just got to sit back and watch them do all the work 😂 Later on, I saw these boys work together to build a train track that went across the whole room and test the different trains on it.
I am so grateful we found this school. I knew how lucky we were when I was sitting in the drop-off line and my daughter was silent for a few minutes and then just said “my teacher is really nice.” And I got to see how awesome she is first-hand today!Jessica S
CNS has been a huge monumental point in my family’s life. To watch and assist your child and others, develop friendships and the necessary life and educational skills to use in the upcoming years of their childhood is very rewarding. This is where my sons have made some of their first friends! As well as myself to gain special friendships with other parents. To see my son get excited to go to class, hearing him sing the songs he’s learned, and seeing him develop with knowing patterns, rhyming, math, scientific facts, and even reading as he sounds out words speaks volumes! CNS and the teachers will forever hold a special place in our hearts with all the fond memories.Camri Mckee
I absolutely love CNS! Being a part of a cooperative preschool fosters a great sense of community. It is truly wonderful to get to know the teachers, families and the children. Seeing my child grow in his development and being an integral part of his education is something I will forever cherish.Lauren Werley-Wolf
Katie O’Keefe, VP of Membership
Jessica Cruff, 1st VP of Health & Safety + Licensing
Pamela Ailshie, Secretary
Eric Siegfried, Treasurer
Katie Serio, Assistant Treasurer