
Nature + Art

Preschoolers love to paint.  Without fail, each time I mention that we will be needing our smocks because it is a painting day, the children’s eyes light up with excitement.  Not only do they get to create, but let’s face it, it’s also fun to get just a little messy. 🙂

During the winter months I like to read The Penguin and the Pinecone, a wonderful story about friendship.  Not only do we then create our own pinecone friends, but we also explore a new way of painting:  pine needle paint brushes!


Before we painted we compared the pine needles to traditional paintbrushes.  Then, to make it a bit easier, we taped them to popsicle sticks.  This was an open-ended project, so we weren’t painting anything specific.  Instead we had a wonderful time observing what new colors we could create by mixing the ones I’d provided.   I absolutely love the finished projects, and how unique they each are!







~ Mrs. Cartee